We love showing off the city we currently call home. Washington DC has so many awesome places to check out, but we want to show you how to see them on shorter time frames. The National Mall in DC is over 2 miles long with well over 40 sights/ attractions. It is easy to get […]
Month: June 2020
National Mall West Side: Weekend Walks With Locals

Washington DC is in phase 1 of reopening. Who else is ready for phase 2? I am excited to step inside of a museum, eat at a restaurant, and be able to decide if I want to stay home or go out. The lack of tourists at places is something to take advantage of . […]
Weekend in DC: Capitol Hill Walk

Phase one for lifting quarantine restrictions are well underway. Some shops are open again for curbside pick up, and some restaurants have opened patio or rooftop seating. Parks are filling up while people use social distancing rules to picnic. We are enjoying walking through Capitol Hill looking for what is opening up in DC and […]
Capitol Hill Neighborhood Guide

Washington DC has some of the best museums and most impactful memorials in the country. While each of these sites are a “must see”, we recommend taking some time to venture away from the hustle and bustle of the National Mall and off the beaten path. The Capital Hill neighborhood is the place Dustin and […]