An apartment tour is something I have wanted to do for a long time, as we have had to make some of the smallest spaces work since moving to DC. In my opinion small space living is very interesting to not only small space dwellers but also those who don’t do it and wonder how […]
Dreams & Goals
We Are Back!

We are back! It has been the fastest and slowest 3 months (seriously AT THE SAME TIME) we have had in a long time. We took a break from posting, as life got crazy. Y’all know Christmas is its own version of crazy, but then Dustin’s task order ended in the middle of the longest government […]
- Dreams & Goals
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Big News

We saw this past year year fly by quicker than we thought possible. 2017 was the best year of marriage, and the best year of our adventure together. From amazing kids entering our lives through fostering, to seeing Paris; last year was more than amazing. We think 2018 will require us to take steps […]
- Dreams & Goals
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Forever Changed

In January of this year, we said “yes” to an emergency foster placement, with the expectation of it lasting a weekend. With one phone call and a 1 a.m. drop off of our #3, our world was forever changed. Seven months later, our first foster placement left us. To say we were crushed is the […]
- Dreams & Goals
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Life Lately

It has been forever since we have posted anything, and yet so much has happened. December & January brought on not only the holidays, but many appointments with social workers to try to get our home open. We traveled to see family both months, and came back to finally hear our home was open to […]
- Dreams & Goals
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Big Changes

Dustin and I have always had a different relationship than most. We march to the beat of our own drum, if you will. 11 ish years ago, Dustin moved to St. Louis for a change of pace from rural Arkansas. He was in college, and moved on kind of a whim. We met at work […]
- Dreams & Goals
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Davis’ Take On Blogging…

Why now? This has not always been the goal. We have been looking at life a lot lately and decided that turning 30 was going to propel us to live life out loud. We have some big goals we are working to achieve. We have found the waiting time between can be mundane and arduous. […]