Big Changes

Dustin and I have always had a different relationship than most.  We march to the beat of our own drum, if you will.  11 ish years ago, Dustin moved to St. Louis for a change of pace from rural Arkansas.  He was in college, and moved on kind of a whim.  We met at work (Cracker Barrel), dated for 10 months in St. Louis, and then did about 3+ years of long distance while  I went to school in Chicago and he in Russellville AR.  From the beginning we have made different and or/ difficult circumstances a positive thing that we work through together.

Just A couple of kids dating long distance.
Just A couple of kids dating long distance.

We are still doing our own thing, as 30 year olds in the south with no children yet.  We are taking a different path right now.  While baby fever comes, it tends to go pretty quickly, for us.    I truly believe God has put a special place in my heart to be a mom.  BUT… maybe to be a mom I might not give birth to my child.  Maybe I will.  However, Dustin and I have always believed that our family would not only be blood.

We have been very open to adoption, and have talked about it from the early stages of our relationship.  We have always wanted a blended family.  This year, as we have communicated with this blog; has been a year of exploring, saying yes, and being obedient.

So… with that being said, there are big changes coming to the Davis Family.

We are working towards becoming foster parents.

God directly put an organization in our path, this year.  (It is crazy since we had heard random comments about it before, but this year it seemed God wanted us to finally pay attention!) We are working with an organization that is named The Call to open our home for foster children.  We participated in the Walk for the Waiting this past spring, and conversations started happening almost daily about if this was for us.

Walk for the Waiting 2016
Walk for the Waiting 2016

The Call is an organization that works to bridge the gap between the church and the foster care/ adoption system.

It is the churches job to take care of the orphans and the people who need us the most.  Who needs us more than children in the foster care system, and those waiting to be adopted?  With this question impressed on us in the summer, Dustin and I set out on a journey to be foster parents.  The Call is truly an amazing organization that works side by side with the State of Arkansas Department Family Services to get the word out about the need for adoptive and foster parents.  They equip and train foster/ adoptive families, and the work to support DFS in the way that the church is supposed to.  The Call also provides the church with tangible ways to help, even if fostering is not for you.

The Call provides community, support, and an easy/ organized way to get started with the foster adoptive process.  Dustin and I went to an informational meeting in July.  There was no pressure in the meeting from the people who were communicating, but we both felt that this was something we were supposed to start.

For us the eye opening moment was that there are only around 1,100 foster homes in the state of Arkansas, and close to 5,000 children in care.  There are over 5,000 churches in the sate of Arkansas.  If only 1 family per church opened their home to foster care, there would be enough homes for ALL children in care.  (How amazing would it be if there were more open homes than kids in care??)

No matter how you do this process, there will be challenges.  (Working with an underfunded, overworked, understaffed Department of Family Services will always have challenges.)  Going through The Call has made it so much easier.  For example, The Call completes the mandatory training for families, in 2 weekends.  If going through the state it is 10, 3 hour sessions!  Though the weekends were VERY long, we learned a lot and completed something in 1 month that could have taken so much longer.

Training with others who feel the burden of Fostering/ Adoption was so awesome!
Training with so many others who feel the burden of Fostering/ Adoption was so awesome!

Now, mid December, we are working to finalize the process to open our home.  We still have some things to do, but we are so close.  Right now we are working towards being a respite care family for the many full time foster parents in Pulaski County.  In addition, we are also working towards emergency care for those in care who need temporary, emergency placement.

Getting that First Aid/ CPR Training
Getting that First Aid/ CPR Training
Spare room is coming along!
Getting our spare room ready

We hope someday to be full time foster parents, and even parents (however that looks.)  Being a foster or adoptive parent is not for everyone.  But we can all do something!  There are so many opportunities to serve in this area:  transporting, donating clothing/ furniture, giving your time to watch children and be a break for foster parents, work a couple hours a week in the DFS office, and more.  As we have blogged about before, there are opportunities to get involved with small businesses that are doing something such as in Austin Texas: Pour & Press.

If adoption is on your heart, please check out the Project Zero website, as there are 600 plus waiting children in the state of Arkansas.  There is need all over our country so do some research and decide that these children are not just a number.

Dustin and I cannot wait to start this chapter of our journey, and as we can, we will share more.  All we know is that while we are in for a new adventure.  It will be outside of our comfort zone, but this is the path we are supposed to take.  We cannot wait to see where this adventure leads us.

Cat and Dustin



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5 Replies to “Big Changes”

  1. So happy for you! What an exciting time ! I know God is preparing even now each child that will come into your home and your heart! Thank you for being obedient and courageous to step out in faith!

  2. Katie DeCavitch says: Reply

    Mason and I are so thrilled and will be praying for yall!

  3. I am so pumped to see what God does through you guys and how He blesses the children that enter your home. So awesome to see a couple that is so obedient. Praying for you! Love y’all ❤️

  4. Thank you, everyone! This is truly a praise God moment. We hope to see our community grow in awareness and helping with this need. Thank you for all your support!

  5. Love watching this story…thankful you guys are answering the call ♡ James 1:27

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